Skin care buat saya lebih penting dari produk make up, soalnya kalau kulit terawat make up juga bakal keliatan lebih bagus, makanya di blog saya lebih sering nge-review tentang skin care.
Sejauh yang saya ingat kulit saya selalu bermasalah sama yang namanya jerawat, flek, kusam, kadang kering, kadang oily (tergantung tempat dan situasi). tetapi belakangan ini untuk masalah jerawat sudah mulai banyak berkurang jadi saat ini saya ingin fokus ke masalah flek, bekas jerawat dan kulit yang kusam.
nah kali ini mau ngebahas hasil pemakaian saya dengan rangkaian produk dari L'Oreal White Perfect Clinical.. Let's Start!!
cleansing is the most important part of my skincare routine, for me if i don't clean my face thoroughly means acne, pimple, blackheads, whiteheads, wrinkle and it also means that my serum, moisturizer won't get to do their best job because it was blocked by dirt. that's why i always double cleanse at night or after using heavy make up, i never double cleanse at morning.
after trying cleansing water/micellar water and cleansing oil back and forth i realize that i like cleansing oil type more because i feel it is more suitable for my aging skin and i get to massage my face while i was cleansing it (which is good to keep my skin firm) and also cleansing water tend to make my skin more dry and i already have dry skin.
Etude House Real Art Moisture Cleansing Oil
is an emulsifying, oil-based first cleanser used to remove sunscreen
and makeup at the first step of an evening skincare routine.
Price :
Around USD 10 for 185 ml Suitable For :
Normal, dry, or dehydrated skin. Do not use if :
You are sensitive to coconut oil,
sesame oil, apricot kernel oil, fragrance, or anything else in the
ingredients list. When and how to use :
Dispense two to three pumps of
product into palm and spread over dry face. Massage for 1-2 minutes.
Wipe eye area with tissue or cotton pad if desired. Wet hands and
massage again to emulsify. Rinse with lukewarm water.
there's a lot love and hate review with this product, but i decided to give this a chance, i don't say i like it, but i don't say i hate it either, this is just an OK product.
one thing that i don't like, using this alone was not enough because it didn't rinse off leaving my skin feeling "squeaky clean" but rather than that i feel that there're some oily-moisture residue left on the skin, even for me who have normal towards dry skin i felt that it's too much, that's why it's important for me to always use cleansing foam/gel afterward.
this routine really help my dry skin and i've been having dry patches lately, using cleansing oil helped got rid of them.
saya tuh ga bisa lepas dari yang nama nya pelembab, badan ataupun muka, setiap hari harus pakai yang namanya pelembab. Mulai pakai body lotion sebenernya udah dari SMP (which is like 20 some years ago, OMG baru sadar kalau udah selama itu), kalau dulu masih bisa kadang pakai kadang engga, yah masih kulit remaja abege. sekarang udah mid 30, pelembab udah jadi kewajiban sehari-hari. meskipun kadang masih suka lupa atau males sih...
Penting nya pelembab itu apa sih untuk kulit ?
1. Mengembalikan dan Menjaga Kelembaban Kulit
Saat kita menjalani aktivitas sehari-hari maka kulit akan kehilangan
kelembaban dan kadar air di dalam tubuh akan menurun drastis, maka
langkah tepat dalam mengembalikan kelembaban kulit yang hilang sepanjang
hari ialah dengan menggunakan moisturizer cream atau pelembab kulit,
menggunakan krim pelembab kulit akan segera mengembalikan kelembaban
kulit Anda dan mencegah kulit terlalu kering serta terhindarkan dari penuaan dini.
2. Mencegah Iritasi Kulit
Penggunaan sabun ketika mandi akan dapat membuat kulit
mengiritasi kulit anda, hal ini dikarenakan bahan kimia yang terkandung
di dalam sabun dapat mengikis lapisan epidermis di dalam kulit, jadi manfaat penggunaan pelembab ialah untuk menyeimbangkan lapisan
epidermis di dalam kulit serta dapat membantu mencegah terjadinya
iritasi di kulit anda.
3. Melindungi kulit terhadap polusi dan radikal bebas
Beraktivitas di luar ruangan umumnya dapat membuat kulit kita jadi
rusak, hal ini dikarenakan polusi udara dan polutan dapat membuat kulit
anda kotor dan juga membuat kulit anda hilang kelembabannya, oleh sebab
itu untuk mencegah kulit dari kerusakan penggunaan pelembab sangatlah
dianjurkan, pelembab ini juga berfungsi menahan faktor eksternal yang dapat
mengiritasi kulit anda.
4. Memperkuat Kulit Ketika kulit anda kering dan hilang kelembabanya maka hal tersebut akan
membuat kulit anda rentan terhadap alergi dan infeksi, adapun manfaat
pelembab ini ialah membantu meningkat sel-sel epidermis di dalam kulit
sehingga mereka dapat membentuk penghalang yang kuat untuk mencegah faktor eksternal berbahaya yang dapat membuat kulit anda terinfeksi.
Around 2 weeks ago (2nd october 2016 to be exact) i was invited to attend Elizabeth Arden Beauty Class at Parkson Lippo Mall Puri, i've always known Elizabeth Arden for their luxury Skin Care, Make Up and Fragrance line. but i never actually tried their skin care or make up product.
i knew that it was a Beauty Class but i wasn't really paid attention to the make up demo, i looked like i paid attention, but my mind went some where else, i was more eager to tried their skin care line. before the we started the make up, we have to clean up our face using their product and also we got to tried out some of the Elizabeth Arden skin care products.
these are part of the Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference skincare line, i thought that this will be the skincare we're going to try, because it was on the table hahaha.. but not these. i really want to try the primer (i even asked for it but i already put on my moisturizer that can also be used as primer at that time), i only swatch it on the back of my hand, it create a really smooth silicony base perfect for smooth foundation application, plus it also contain vitamin A and botanical extract.
based on curiosity, i bought this Cocoon Silkworm to exfoliate my dreadful, full of black also white head and not so acne free skin.
hoping that my skin could look like those korean actress or actor in korean drama, which is now still far far far away from it. (well a person can dream right?)
a little information about SILKWORM COCCON based on what i collect from other bloggers and also some browsing :
* Gently exfoliate dead skin cell, leaving it soft and clean.
* Contain natural Sericin.
so what is SERICIN ?
an excellent moisturizer and water preservative, contain Serine which is effective in controlling active oxygen that breaks down the protection of the skin's surface and also tyrosinase which cause skin to freckle. it's
Packaging botol spray, ukurannya tidak terlalu besar juga, jadi aman dibawa travel
mist yang dihasilkan kurang "halus" kalau menurut saya, tapi buat harga segitu (ya iya lah IDR 18.000) udah bagus banget...
sesuai hasil uji coba, klaim untuk menjaga make up tidak luntur hingga 8 jam di saya gagal total karena hasilnya sama saja, tapi kulit terasa lebih lembab dan fresh setelah pakai Pixy Aqua Beauty Protecting Mist, lebih cocok dipakai apabila ingin hasil makeup yang lebih dewy atau kalau makeup terlihat powdery (medok bedak, ini apa sih bahasanya), tapi kulit jadi lebih cepat oily/ berminyak.
personally, wanginya cukup menyengat. pertama kali semprot sempet pusing karena terlalu wangi.
i'm sure many of you heard about the famous Pixy Glow Tonic, well they said that this is their dupe, but i'm not gonna do a comparison (maybe on the ingredients part and price wise only) just because i haven't try Pixi myself.
Freedom Pro Studio Glow Tonic is a
professional exfoliating Toner that evens out skin tone for a clearer, brighter
more glowing complexion. Using a professional formula, enriched with Glycolic
Acid, Ginseng and Aloe Vera, this gentle Tonic helps remove dead skin cells,
revealing smoother, softer more radiant skin.
Produk ini merupakan produk terbaru dari PIXY, di launching pada tanggal 6-7 Agustus 2016 kemarin di Mall Ciputra, Jakarta.
Acara grand launching ini dimeriahkan oleh Hivi, Yura, Demo make up dari Mr. Yamaguchi (MUA dari Jepang) dan banyak lagi, acaranya cukup heboh menurut saya, selain itu PIXI juga mengadakan private event khusus untuk para Beauty Blogger untuk memperkenalkan produknya ini (ini bukan event report yah, karena saya tidak diundang hehehe)
jadiiiiiii karena PIXI demi memperkenalkan produk ini aja sampe ngadain event heboh, alhasil penasaran lach sama produknya... saya samperin langsung ke eventnya dan langsung ngantongin (eh bayar dulu) PIXI Two Way Cake COVER SMOOTH ini beserta kelengkapannya (numpung disc 25%).
yang di beli ini saja, untuk yang White Aqua Gel Cream itu Free sekarang yang di review bedak two way cake nya dulu yach
Product Description :
* Contain organic green tea extract (100ppm)
* Provides skin moisture giving light point make up and impurities cleansing
* No addition of artificial color, artificial flavor, benzophenone, parabens, animal raw material, mineral oil and talc
How to use :
* Wet cotton, wipe out from center to outward
* Press gently for 5-10 seconds on top of point make up and remove
* Depending on skin type, gently wash with water
Sarange is an original cosmetic and skin care brand from Korea which
formulated specially to enhance the beauty of your skin.
Sarange brand expresses the beauty of love
and affection within each personality. Sarange sincerely cares toward
your beauty.
Sarange products are made by laboratory
checked and approved natural grown ingredients.
Sarange also manufactured by a team of highly
specialist expert and proven to be a successful cosmetics that we are
proud of.
Sarange will bring forth a new face in
natural beauty. A beauty that only Sarange’s individual treasured.
the most popular product from Sarange is actually their Triple Crown BB Cream (which is on sale now at Sociolla) , but what i'm going to be reviewing now is their skincare.
this product was given to me by one of the online shopping store in Indonesia *Sociolla* so this is a sponsored post, but i always give my honest review ( read :Disclosure )